Thursday, May 31, 2007

First Communion

Well, as you have probably noticed, I have been off for almost a week now. The reason is I have been to Spain on holidays. Siento no haber llamado a nadie, pero es que me puse malo nada mas llegar... joer...

I arrived in Valencia and met my brother there. As you probably know, the prestigious sailing America's Cup is now being held in Valencia. That was quite obvious once in the city... The airport and the harbour have been linked by subway, all the shops are selling sailing articles or official garments, the teams driving nice cars in the streets (I saw people from Lunna Rossa) or a nice boat in the city hall square:

After one day there, I travelled to my home town, Almansa, 'coz my brother was receiving First Communion on Sunday. For me, it was the first time I was going to church after becoming agnostic... hehe...

Well, the celebration in the church was nice... for me, it was useful to ratify I don't like it... At least, my brother was happy and we could have some family pictures, which are always nice.

After that, we made for a restaurant to take the typical huge lunch after first communion. There, everything was so nice... I could meet many people in my family after several months and we were joking and laughing all the time. We could even manage to make my grandfather sing some old-fashioned traditional songs. Que crack! Fue la hostia cuando el tio se lio a cantar! De el se puede esperar cualquier cosa... Here you are some sample:

Finally, on Tuesday morning I flew back to Amsterdam and went to work at ESTEC... but to the daily routine. It was nice to go home. It always is.


Julio said...

¡Qué grande tu agüelo!
Familia de cracks.

He visto que has vinculado el blog del Tsuba, avisa cuando actualice, jajaja.


Julio said...

ahora, sois unos cabronasos grabando al abuelo y subiéndolo al youtube

Alvaro said...

Jeje... estabamos de broma con eso de esto va al Youtube de cabeza... y al final la broma se ha convertido en realidad... jeje...

Mi hermano tb me dijo que era un cabron... pero me dio las gracias por ponerlo... jeje...

Una actuacion asi se hace una vez en la vida, asi que si pensamos en su valor "artistico" es hasta un homenaje al abuelo XD