Sunday, May 18, 2008

The other side of Krakow...

Yesterday, I talked about what we visited or saw in Krakow. But what did we do? What can you do there? What was there in the streets apart from buildings?? :)

A common thing Krakow shares with other Central and Eastern European cities is that everybody drinks a lot of beer at any moment. Our first pub in the city served a beer tower with 3 or 4 liters of beer inside!

The weather was really good our first day there and many people enjoyed the sun rays, oblivious to any other thing happening around them!

Some people wore traditional clothes. These two guys were in the touristic area, but in the mountains some people did wear it as normal clothing!

There were also plenty of horse carried vehicles... and Jorge seemed to really like them... he would stop every single time he saw a horse!

Of course, we had to write some postcards for family and friends at the same time we enjoyed Polish or Czech beer.

And finally, we went to one of the many jazz clubs in the city. The Old Metropolitan Band played and the show was really interesting! They were quite old but really enthusiastic!!


Anonymous said...

Hola Álvaro,

perdona que vuelva a molestar jejejeje. No sé si te lo he dicho ya, pero al final llego a Leiden el 1 de Septiembre.

La pregunta es... ya que te vas más o menos para esa fecha ¿me dejas tu casa? :P:P

Jejeje, lo digo de broma... ¡pero no tanto! En fin, igual es una opción ¿no?. De momento aún no he buscado nada, estoy esperando que los de la ESA me manden el famoso 'cuestionario'. ¿Vives en modo 'solitario' o en modo 'compartir piso'?

Bueno, ya me voy, ya me voy :P


Alvaro said...

Que pena... yo me ire hacia final de Julio, asi que no coincidiremos por aqui.
Vivo en una casa grande con otras tres personas... el unico problema es que mis compañeros de casa necesitaran a alguien en Agosto para pagar mi alquiler. Si no encuentran a nadie y tienen que esperar a Septiembre te aviso!
Sorry :)