Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Shinkansen (新幹線) is the japanese name for the bullet train. These trains are really expensive but so fast and comfortable that they are well worth it. I only took one during my stay in Japan, to go from Hiroshima to Tokyo in my last day in Japan and I don't regret it. The distance between these two cities is something like 1000 km and it only took 2 hours 40 minutes, stopping at least 5 minutes in the main stations. The only drawback was the price. I paid around 19000 yen for one way... that was around 19000/140 = 135 euros!

During the time I was waiting for my train in Hiroshima, I took photos of the different kinds of Shinkansen which were at the station. Don't ask me for the names...

And this is how they look like inside:

Shinkansen, a nice experience!


Julio said...

Mucha contraspectiva y mucho tren bala, pero yo creo que sigues siendo amante de los regionales Valencia-Almansa de en horas y media.

Yo sigo congiendo el regional, claro, que no he estado en ninguna agencia espacial.

Alvaro said...

Jeje, la verdad es q ese tren es el "tren". Aun lo tengo q coger cada cierto tiempo cuando voy a casa... Pero ahora tiene buenos asientos y no para tanto! por fin!

Por cierto, el metro del aeropuerto a la estacion es de lo mejor que le ha pasado a valencia en mucho tiempo!! comparable a la autovia Albacete-Valencia ;-)

Toni said...

Si al final la cara de velocidad que tienen los japoneses va a ser debido a viajar con esos trenes (respetuosamente)