Saturday, October 18, 2008

Travel plans

My life is quite busy now and there is quite a lot to be done here at Caltech. But I think I will struggle with homework, exams and research and get some extra time to do some tourism.

Some clear destinations I have in mind are:

- South Korea: after failing to go twice... I will surely go there this March during my Spring recess, when I visit Naoko in Japan to enjoy sakura :)

- Mexico: This is my most probable destination for Thanksgiving holidays. I am planning to visit some Mayan and Aztecan ruing around Cancun and Mexico city. This will happen provided I can manage my time and get my exams under control!

This Xmas, I will be coming back home! I will be around 15 days there. During that time, I will go to Malta! I got a very cheap ticket from Valencia and I will spend 3-4 days there. My travel mates, either Naoko chan or my father. Still to be decided. In the worst case, I will go alone, but that is no problem!!

Longer term plans include China, South America, South Pacific islands, Australia, New Zealand and more of South East Asia. I can't wait to come back to SEA: Thailand was so cool!! But I wanna wait a bit before coming back there, see another cultures and know a bit more of the world!


Anonymous said...

Dios mío, creo que será la primera Nochevieja en la que estemos todos.... porque no serás capaz de irte a Malta en Nochevieja, verdad????? xD

Es una gran noticia que estés en Navidades por Almansa, maestro. Por cierto, dentro de unos días te enviaré un email a lo de idealist...., vale? que te tengo que hacer un encargo.

Saludos y un abrazo ;)

Julio said...


Tengo una camiseta de Lost para tí.
Si vas a Malta desde Valencia es la ocasión ideal para recogerla!

Un saludo

Alvaro said...

Ramon: no, no, nochevieja en Almansa! :) A ver lo que me pides... jeje...

Rikel: La quiero! Se me habia pasado decirselo a mi hermano... pero asi me paso por alli y te hago una visita ;-) Alguna canya y eso! Ya te escribo cuando vaya para Espanya (15 Diciembre)